Business, Event News, Health, Lifestyle, NEWS, Technology - A benefit concert to raise as much money as possible for KWF ...
Business, Education, Health, Lifestyle, NEWS, Politics - After Eindhoven, Geldrop-Mierlo is now also going to encourage ...
Business, Education, Event News, Lifestyle, NEWS, Technology - DJs and a full dance floor. Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven looked ...
Business, Environment, Event News, Lifestyle, NEWS, Politics, Sport - Sterrenslag event in Zesgehuchten district of Geldrop ...
Business, Education, Lifestyle, NEWS, Politics, Technology - TU/e was hit by a cyber-attack early this year. As a result, the ...
Business, Education, Environment, Health, Lifestyle, Politics, Technology - On Eindhovenseweg, between Eindhoven and Son, the ...
Vandals have destroyed seven benches at Hanevoet Recreational Lake in Gestel. The municipality is assessing whether to ...
NEWS - The car park on De Meent in the centre of Geldrop will be enlarged. This is necessary due to the addition of new ...
Summa College in Eindhoven opens a drop-off point for unused medical supplies, helping reduce waste and support healthcare.
NEWS - The number of bicycle thefts in Eindhoven rose by 17 percent last year compared to the previous year. More than 2,600 bicycles are said to have been - Eindhoven in 'top 5' municipalities with t ...
NEWS - The Eindhoven Bridge Guitar Festival is receiving an additional 4.5 tons of subsidy from a Brabant investment fund.
At Kindcentrum Theresia in Eindhoven, this week was all about 'dealing with disabilities'. For five days the students not ...