New research suggests that frequent blood donation can trigger genetic changes that might protect certain stem cells from ...
Donating blood isn’t just a life-saving act for patients—it might benefit donors too! Research suggests regular blood ...
By donating blood, you help reduce viscosity, making it easier for your heart to pump and lowering your risk of ...
Donating blood is one of the most important and life-saving things everyday people can do. Yet, while it’s often seen as ...
Discover the unexpected benefits of donating blood. Regular donation may lower your risk of blood cancers and enhance your health.
Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have identified genetic changes in blood stem cells from frequent blood donors ...
present an important study that applied a high-resolution transposon-based barcoding system to show the clonal contribution of hematopoietic stem and ...
Use of integrated multi-omics profiling in renal cell carcinoma to identify molecular subtypes and associated clinical outcomes and therapeutic vulnerabilities. This is an ASCO Meeting Abstract from ...