China's central government announced Thursday that two new measures aimed at facilitating travel and residency for residents ...
Under these new measures, Taiwan residents who lose, damage or forget to carry their travel permits can apply for a temporary ...
3月10日,中国外交部最新发声,再次重申:台湾地区在联合国的唯一称谓就是“中国台湾省”,有案可查。发言人毛宁表示,联合国及其专门机构在提及台湾时,使用的称谓就是“中国台湾省”(Taiwan, Province of ...
La reunificación completa de China es inevitable, y la búsqueda de la "independencia de Taiwan" mediante el apoyo extranjero ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A video surfaced on Chinese social media Thursday showing a new type of barge that could support large ...
Um porta-voz da parte continental da China disse na segunda-feira (17) que os exercícios conduzidos pelo Exército de Libertação Popular (ELP) perto de Taiwan são um movimento "justo e necessário" para ...
El máximo legislador chino, Zhao Leji, subrayó el viernes la necesidad de combatir resueltamente las actividades separatistas de la "independencia de Taiwan" y frenar la interferencia de fuerzas ...