The state’s Close to Home Fishing Program was designed as a partnership between the Wildlife Department and municipalities across Oklahoma to provide urban angling opportunities. These small bodies of ...
Twelve-mile portion of the Lower Mountain Fork River and its tributaries from the Broken Bow Reservoir Spillway downstream to the U.S. HWY 70 Bridge. About five miles of this designated trout stream ...
There are 46 ponds and small lakes open to the public statewide, offering quality fishing opportunities to anglers of all skill levels. Agreements with multiple municipalities around Oklahoma make all ...
Residents and nonresidents must obtain a free paddlefish permit in addition to a fishing license before fishing for paddlefish. The free permit is available at, Department ...
Three-toed box turtles reach just over six and one-half inches in carapace length. Adult males are slightly smaller than adult females. Hatchlings are about one and one-half inches in carapace length.
Residents and Nonresidents: A hunting license (see Licenses & Permits) or proof of exemption. Shotgun (conventional or muzzleloading), rifle (conventional or muzzleloading), handgun, archery equipment ...
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For requirements on hunter orange, legal means of taking, public lands, shooting hours, carcass disposal, more than one method of take in the field, tracking with dogs, field tagging, and checking ...
The pond has one fish feeder. The east side of pond has park benches.
The following are brief descriptions of regulation changes. This summary of regulation changes is intended to be used as a reference only. You are required to be familiar with all the changes to ...
ODWC manages and operates numerous areas across the state for hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation purposes. The primary objective on all lands owned or managed by the Department is the sound ...
Fishing is deeply ingrained in the culture of Oklahoma, a state blessed with an abundance of lakes, rivers, and streams. Anglers can target a range of species, including bass, catfish, crappie, and ...