OMV Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, has commissioned a new plant for converting end-of-life plastics into circular feedstocks at ...
This analysis examines declining fragmentation impacts from oil and gas development in Wyoming over the last 20 years due to ...
OPEC+ has announced a new schedule for seven member countries to implement additional oil output reductions to compensate for pumping above agreed levels.
Prospex Energy PLC plans to drill five new wells on the EL Romeral concessions after becoming the sole shareholder of Tarba Energía SL.
Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd. (ReconAfrica) will spud the Prospect I well in the Damara Fold Belt in PEL 73, onshore Namibia, during second quarter 2025.
Petrobras has let a multiyear, fully integrated completions-systems contract to Baker Hughes for the operator’s deepwater developments.
Chief financial officer Eimear Bonner tells a Piper Sandler conference uncertainty around the climate for renewables means ...
Venture Global received export authorization from the US DOE to export LNG to non-FTA countries for its third project, the 20-million tpy CP2 LNG plant, in Cameron Parish, ...
Wireline logging is complete and additional data collection is under way, including core acquisition and flow testing to ...
Serica Energy plc expects restarted production at the Triton FPSO in the North Sea before May. It was previously anticipated that critical repairs following the aftermath of ...
Trillion Energy International Inc. will increase production at SASB natural gas field in the Turkish sector of the Black Sea through workovers, compression, and pump ...
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC discovered a new oil field near Somogysámson in western Hungary. The Som-8 well was spudded on ...