An executive order issued by the Trump administration on Friday night, March 14, calls for the elimination of the Institute ...
ALA, its Divisions, Round Tables and Affiliates host many conferences, and in-person and online events to showcase cutting-edge developments in library advocacy, information literacy, and many other ...
The Rainbow Book List Committee creates an annual book list of recommended LGBTQIA+ fiction and nonfiction titles for young readers from birth through age 18. Books on the final bibliography are ...
The Membership Committee consists of eleven members appointed from the ALSC membership at large, serving 2-year terms and led by two committee co-chairs, appointed in alternating years. (2 co-chairs + ...
Representatives are appointed by ALA units and affiliates with recruitment-related concerns and members-at-large who are also dedicated to recruitment and retention issues of the library workforce.
This discussion list is currently hosted through ALA Connect. In order to post to the list you will need to join the group’s ALA Connect Community and address all discussion list email messages to the ...
Each year ALSC identifies the best of the best in children's books, recordings, and digital media for youth 14 years of age and younger. The Children's Notable lists highlight media for children 14 ...
To provide a forum within MAGIRT for the discussion of issues concerning descriptive and subject cataloging, including classification and the content designation of cartographic materials. The Chair ...
Official members of this section committee are automatically added to the committee’s Connect space and subscribed to the email list. You can post to the list by sending an email to ...
The School-Age Programs and Service Committee consists of nine members appointed from the ALSC membership at large, serving 2-year terms, and led by two committee co-chairs, appointed in alternating ...
1 Chair 8-10 members: A diverse group of library professionals, individuals who possess specialized knowledge and skills in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and ...
The Committee on Committees is composed of the ALA president-elect (chair) (1) and four (4) councilors that are elected to serve a one-year term. Committee on Committees members will act as ex-officio ...