Heldagsseminar. Tre samlinger av to dager. Muntlig presentasjon (eksamen) vil være på siste samling. Det er krav om 80 % tilstedeværelse på heldagseminarene for å ta eksamen. Fremmøte blir registrert ...
Digital signal processing is a basis for the development of new methods in areas such as telecommunications (mobile telephony), multimedia (MP3), medicine (ultrasound), sonar, seismic, remote sensing ...
Studenter må hvert semester søke og få plass på undervisningen og melde seg til eksamen i Studentweb. Dersom du ikke allerede har studieplass ved UiO, kan du søke opptak til våre studieprogrammer, ...
Emnet for barneretten er de spørsmål som særlig gjelder barns rettslige stilling. Med utgangspunkt i FNs barnekonvensjon behandles regler fra familierett, barnevernrett og annen velferdsrett.
The course gives an introduction to Radar Remote Sensing. You will learn about electromagnetic wave propagation and interaction with natural materials, like surface and volume scattering models. You ...
The elective introduces a research-based concept of sustainability and the emerging multilevel framework of sustainability-oriented law and policy (on international, regional and domestic levels), as ...
This course will give you an introduction to robotics. You will learn about the mechanical structure of robots, the spatial description of robots and transformations. The course also deals with ...
Kunstig intelligens (KI) blir stadig mer tilgjengelig og stadig mer brukt. KI benyttes i en rekke tjenester, og her på UiO i er teknologien i tilgjengelig for alle IT-brukere på UiO i tjenestene ...
UiO is a desirable choice for international students looking for quality education in a dynamic, safe, and globally connected environment. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider UiO. UiO is ...
We are witnessing an explosive rise in the popularity of the blockchain paradigm, the technology that enables cooperative economic models without a central administrator. While originally inspired by ...
The course addresses nanoscience and nanotechnology, with emphasis on properties and applications for functional materials, and how these change in the nano dimensions. The course includes both ...
At the university, you encounter many transitions that can be overwhelming. We help you become aware of what you can do during your studies to strengthen your skills, engage with the opportunities ...