Windows 11 AI+PC, Surface 商用版同时提供配备英特尔®和骁龙®处理器两个版本 ... 电池续航时间会因设置、使用情况和其他因素而有显著差异。 [4]6GHz频段并非在所有地区适用。 [5]微软于2025 年 1 月使用 CineBench 2024 多核基准进行测试。搭载英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra 7 ...
2 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN微软 Surface Laptop 7,轻薄与性能的完美平衡微软 Surface Laptop 系列一直以其优雅的设计、出色的屏幕和流畅的 Windows 体验著称。最新推出的 Surface Laptop 7 在继承前代优点的同时,更带来了性能上的显著提升,尤其是搭载了基于 ARM 架构的高通骁龙 X ...
2 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNSurface Laptop 7:触屏轻薄本新宠!这款微软(Microsoft)Surface Laptop第7版 笔记本电脑 国家政府补贴20% 现在入手很划算。 微软Surface ...
01|行业新趋势微软AI开发者挑战赛启动,开放众多资源助力实战训练 ...
Lifehacker has been a go-to source of tech help and life advice since 2005. Our mission is to offer reliable tech help and credible, practical, science-based life advice to help you live better.
Even with the superior M4 chip, the new MacBook Air isn't an overall better product than the Surface Laptop 7, and that's a ...
Today, we share our vision for the next era of the Windows PC, where the PC and the cloud intersect and tap into innovative AI technology that unlocks new experiences. So that each of us can ...
the best mid-range Windows laptop. It's not much to look at, but it's plenty power-efficient and equipped with a great keyboard. It also comes with the same AI tools as the Surface Laptop 7.
The brain of the operation is Windows 11 so the Microsoft Surface Laptop 5 is very well set up ... they have added in the USB-C with Thunderbolt 4 support because it opens up a whole world of ...