The sounds that make up humpback whale songs follow some of the same statistical rules seen in human languages, which may be ...
Just like popular songs on TikTok, new humpback whale songs can rapidly spread across regions and populations to replace ...
Human babies rely on a strategy called “statistical learning” to identify certain words and patterns as they get exposed to ...
Thousands of marine species from microscopic zooplankton to the largest cetaceans rely on sound for survival and many have ...
Avoiding predators is one of the most important jobs for many members of the animal world. Even ocean giants like baleen whales have something to fear from killer whales, their only known natural ...
Most of us are familiar with whale song, but new research suggests that the structure of the song - the individual parts that make up the whole - has similarities to human language.
"We've now shown that their larynx, their voice box still works as a sound source, but it works in very different ways as we use it." Whale expert Joy Reidenberg says since the whale voice boxes ...
Cantor and Whitehead used an underwater microphone to listen to the sperm whales' clicking sounds, and located differing ... of clans of sperm whales with different 'dialects',” said Sperm ...