The Flash stood every ... future that he knows, Barry's only hope is to race for his life. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe? The movie stars Ezra Miller ...
In another alternate world, Barry Allen uncharacteristically joins a fascist regime headed by none other than an evil ...
There's a better adaptation of 'Flashpoint' you can watch on Max. "The Flash" is very good when it's a Batman movie and mediocre when it's about Barry Allen. The film fails to answer its biggest ...
News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet ... The CW’s Flash series did this with its own spin on Flashpoint, using more relevant cameos, and even getting Ezra ...
Yes, almost a whole decade before Barry was causing trouble in the timeline in The Flash movie, he was popping up here and ...
So ultimately, Cavanagh saw this characterization tweak as the right move for the DCEU’s Barry Allen. He continued to share his thoughts about The Flash movie thusly: B, when Keaton shows up ...
As far as the DCEU is concerned, Ben Affleck is Batman. However, the actor who has portrayed the part in three films so far is likely to be done with the role. This leaves a big question about ...