At least two mass extinction events in Earth's history were likely caused by the "devastating" effects of nearby supernova ...
天文学家用詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜 (JWST) 在超新星 1987A 的遗迹中发现了存在一颗中子星的确凿证据;超新星 1987A 是过去 400 年中唯一肉眼可见的超 ...
Supernova 1987A (SN 1987A) is a significant astronomical event that occurred in 1987, marking the closest observed supernova in over 400 years. Located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, this ...
Supernova 1987A (SN 1987A) represents the remains of a huge cosmic explosion that ripped apart a massive star and left behind a neutron star ringed by stellar material. It's located in a satellite ...
A previous supernova, called supernova 1987A, occurred in a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way called the Large Magellanic Cloud. A gamma ray telescope was observing the supernova, but it wasn't ...
This infrared image from the James Webb Space Telescope, released by NASA on Aug. 31, 2023, shows internal details of the evolving supernova 1987a that have never been observed in the visible spectrum ...
To emphasize the point, the most recent supernova to be visible to the naked eye, SN 1987A, exploded on the outskirts of 30 Doradus. And from the ashes of this and other dead stars, the beautiful ...