The now-extinct steppe bison once roamed the Iberian Peninsula during the Ice Age, and while European bison aren't native to the area, they have at least demonstrated an ability to thrive in ...
The European bison, which will be reintroduced to the area by spring 2022, “is the closest living relative to ancient steppe bison, which once roamed Britain”, says the BBC. From our morning ...
This is Grant Zazula of the Yukon Paleontology Program with the skull of a Pleistocene steppe bison. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted ...
YAKUTSK, February 24. /TASS/. A batch of steppe bison will be brought to Pleistocene Park in Yakutia’s north-east to continue the experiment to restore the mammoth steppe ecosystem, Nikita Zimov ...
The years-long experience of work with musk oxen will favor building up the park's population of bison, the region's Governor Dmitry Artyukhov said TASS, July 21. Steppe bison from Yakutia were ...
Combined evidence from ancient DNA and cave art led scientists to conclude that the European bison, pictured here, appeared around 120,000 years ago as a result of hybridization between cattle ...
University of Alaska Fairbanks researcher Daniel Mann holds a steppe bison skull from the last ice age that he and fellow UAF researcher Pamela Groves found together with the rest of its well ...