Many rural areas in Japan are struggling in the face of a shortage of people available to work. Behind the issue are the twin problems of a declining birthrate and an aging population.
Because of the shrinking population and internal migration, Japan has millions of unoccupied houses in rural areas. But thanks to the low prices and the lack of restrictions on foreigners ...
In response to the ongoing challenges posed by Japan’s shrinking population ... a new initiative to dispatch corporate personnel to rural areas. The initiative, part of a new regional ...
The number of young people in rural areas is declining, hit by falling fertility rates and migration into the big cities, and Japanese agriculture is increasingly relying on workers from abroad to ...
Another Japan is a specialty shop near Tokyo Station that is planned and managed by students from local regions with firsthand knowledge of the goods on sale to promote the charms of their areas.
17, 1995, registered an intensity of 7 on the Japanese seismic scale of ... However, since urban areas have more buildings than rural zones, they also have more houses lacking sufficient ...
The finest example of this model is perhaps Hacker Farm a Hacker community centered around a small village in rural Japan. At present 4 families have relocated to the area with more on the way ...