这款电脑确实是一台好电脑,各方面表现都非常不错。ROG幻×二合一设计绝了!平板秒变游戏站,便携与性能兼具。RGB灯效超有科技感!搭载的处理器运行速度快,多任务处理毫无压力,游戏和办公都流畅无比。屏幕色彩鲜艳,散热系统也很给力,长时间使用不发烫,续航表 ...
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华硕 TUF 与 ROG 显卡:性能价格双维度避坑指南
挑选显卡要避开雷区,深入了解华硕 TUF 和 ROG 系列十分关键。​ 性能上,华硕 TUF 系列定位主流电竞,以 TUF-RTX4060TI-O8G-GAMING 为例,它采用先进架构,具备出色图形处理能力。在 1080P 分辨率下,主流 3A ...
As the name implies, it's a cheaper and slightly lower-end option in the ROG Phone 9 family. The Asus ROG Phone 9 family has just grown today, as the ...
ASUS Malaysia has set the official launch date for its ROG Phone 9 FE. The phone will launch on 19 March, along with its ...
The ROG Phone 9 series arrives in the Philippines with an early bird starting price of Php 40k for the ROG Phone 9 FE.
Best Buy is offering a $200 discount on the ROG Ally Z1 Extreme Windows gaming handheld, and it comes with a carrying case.
Interestingly, this marks a change from Moonton's Mobile Legends Professional League events, such as the recently completed Season 12 in Indonesia, which usually use Samsung phones as official ...
The ROG Ally Z1 Extreme is on sale for $200 off, dropping the price from $650 to only $450. As an added bonus, you'll get the official ROG Ally Travel Case, which normally costs $40, for free with ...