With 10 films in the iconic sci-fi franchise that spans centuries of in-universe time, it's fair to wonder if the earlier ...
The new Apes movie is set many years after the conclusion of 2017's War for the Planet of the Apes. Many apes societies have grown from when the Moses-like Caesar brought his people to an oasis ...
Few reboots have been as surprisingly successful as Planet of the Apes over the last decade, and fans have been eagerly waiting for when we might see the new series catch up with the old.
Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver's reboot/remake of the Planet of the Apes inspired by news articles on apes raised as humans and advances in genetics. Jaffa conceived an idea for a film about a ...
Caesar and his apes are forced into a deadly conflict with ... determine the fate of both their species and the future of the planet.
Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver's reboot/remake of the Planet of the Apes inspired by news articles on apes raised as humans and advances in genetics. Jaffa conceived an idea for a film about a ...