But, “as the anglers tried to get closer to observe the killer whales feeding, the large male began ... Bryde’s whales and short-finned pilot whales — but predation had not been confirmed.
The animals, which feed on squid and octopus, are distinguished by their bulbous heads and dark gray color. In addition to the pilot whales, boaters also spotted another unusual sight.
A pilot whale has died at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida, the park has announced. The pilot whale, Fredi, was rescued in 2011 after becoming stranded on a beach in Florida and had "persistent health ...
Some one hundred pilot whales ended stranded on a beach in Western ... Others think the whales go off track after feeding too close to shore.
From mid-April through October, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, plays host to several whale species, including humpback, pilot and minke ... and serves as an important feeding ground for whales.