The U.S. Geological survey reports that a 3.0 magnitude has struck Magee, Mississippi on Saturday, the same day tornadoes ...
Reports for three school districts in southeast Missouri indicate most school buildings aren't earthquake-resistant. Some ...
NEW MADRID — At the New Madrid Historical Museum there’s an earthquake simulator where visitors get to play engineer. At ...
This seismic event follows a 2.5 magnitude earthquake near the Ross Barnett Reservoir on Thanksgiving Day. The Mississippi Valley, particularly the New Madrid seismic zone, is known for its ...
This seismic event follows a 2.5 magnitude earthquake near the Ross Barnett Reservoir on Thanksgiving Day. The Mississippi Valley, particularly the New Madrid seismic zone, is known for its ...
7 in Sikeston. Wing’s cafeteria is a tornado-safe room, but they do not have a space that is specifically safe for earthquakes (Hannah Schuh/Missourian).