New imaging reveals a built-in safeguard that allows B cell populations to rapidly expand in germinal centers without introducing deleterious mutations.
The scientists found a genetic mutation that two humans with schizophrenia had also led to increased “schizophrenia-related behaviors” in mice with the same mutation. According to the U of I ...
You may scarcely notice it, but much of what you do every day requires your brain to engage in perceptual learning. To safely ...
A genetic mutation linked to schizophrenia in humans was found to increase schizophrenia-related behaviors in mice. This mutation elevates levels of glycine decarboxylase (GLDC), affecting glycine ...
On Tuesday, the team behind the plan to bring mammoth-like animals back to the tundra announced the creation of what it is ...
Mutation increases enzyme in mouse brains linked to schizophrenia behaviors. ScienceDaily . Retrieved March 16, 2025 from / releases / 2025 / 02 / 250219121236.htm ...
A vaccine's ability to generate long-lasting, high-affinity antibodies hinges on a delicate balance. Upon exposure to a ...
By replacing the defective gene associated with Dravet syndrome in mice, scientists successfully alleviated symptoms without side effects.
Scientists with the company Colossal have created genetically engineered "woolly mice" with thick, golden-brown hair and fat deposits similar to those of cold-adapted woolly mammoths.
While it is highly unlikely that we will ever find out if Donald Trump called Transgenic mice as Transgender mice in his ...
His lab is working to identify compounds to elevate production of the protein that Syngap1 makes, as a possible treatment for the condition. The studies were conducted in adult mice. Looking ahead, ...