If you were to compare muskie vs pike from a fishing perspective, however, the most obvious difference has everything to do with “catchability.” To put it plainly, the mighty muskellunge is just flat ...
To put it plainly, the mighty muskellunge is just flat out harder to catch than its close cousin, the Northern pike. Muskies weren’t nicknamed “the fish of 10,000 casts” by accident ...
In the present study more than 87% of estimated northern pike spawning in 1994, and 97% in 1995, occurred in offshore, deep-water habitats (2-5 m), while muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) spawned ...
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has announced that, to protect cool water sportfish species ...
Additionally, anglers will not be allowed to use live bait for any species in July, except sucker minnows greater than 8 inches in length for targeting northern pike and muskellunge. The new ...