Immunostaining of mouse retina with anti-CEP antibodies (left panel) was prominant only for the rod outer segments (OS) and retinyl pigmented epithelium (RPE). As predicted, CEPs are only generated in ...
Eye diseases often develop asymptomatically for many years. ICTER scientists have developed the f-ORG technique, which ...
The center–surround receptive-field organization in retinal ganglion cells is widely believed to result mainly from lateral inhibition at the first synaptic level (in the outer retina).
A team of scientists at the Indiana University School of Medicine has identified that an eye condition affecting the retina, the light-sensing tissue in the back of the eye, may serve as an early ...
Genetic and protein analyses predict eye diseases One of the most significant discoveries in the study was the identification of two mouse strains that closely resemble human retinal diseases.
Doctors are constantly seeking clues to help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and researchers at the Indiana University School of ...