On the islands of Nosy Be and Nosy Komba, Black Lemurs were seen in groups of between four and 15 individuals, these were composed of several adults, typically more males than females, and two to ...
The Golden Bamboo Lemur was discovered only in 1987 and is one of the most threatened primates in Madagascar. It is patchily distributed over a small area of rain forest in south-eastern Madagascar.
"When you see how a mum and baby lemur interact, it's incredible.""When you see how a mum and baby lemur interact, it's incredible." ...
There are more than 20 species of mouse lemurs, and several have been identified only in recent years. This is a rarity in primate research, and illustrates just how much remains to be known about ...
Lemurs are primates found only on the African island of Madagascar and some tiny neighboring islands. Because of its geographic isolation, Madagascar is home to many amazing animals found nowhere ...