There are several conditions that might be causing that annoying itch on your feet. Let's dive into each one and, of course, remember to consult your trusted doctor.
So you had a whole day without a single itchy peep from your feet. And when you get into bed at night, all of a sudden your feet start itching. You scratch the spot and go back to resting.
Jock itch, or tinea cruris, is a fungal infection that can cause itchiness in the groin or inner thighs. Home remedies and prescription medications can help ease symptoms and prevent the infection ...
Ringworm is a fungus that causes both jock itch and athlete’s foot. When it appears anywhere else on the body, the infection is just called ringworm. itchy, circular-shaped scaly patches with ...
Q. What bacteria causes athlete’s foot? A. Athlete’s foot is not caused by bacteria. It is caused by tinea, a fungus that also can give you jock itch and ringworm. You can catch it ...