The knowledge and information management research group focuses on the management of information, knowledge and innovation practices and processes, mainly in collaborative and dynamic work settings, ...
Discover the untapped potential of knowledge at the world's leading knowledge management event. Join the brightest minds in knowledge and information management at KMWorld 2024 this November in ...
In very simple terms, knowledge management has developed as a way to make sense of the information collected via business intelligence and utilize it in the best possible way in business expansion.
The School explores various dimensions of nuclear knowledge management, such as processes and tools, challenges and benefits, the influence of organizational culture, the relationship with human ...
In this modern era, Nishant Kapoor, a recognized expert in artificial intelligence and digital transformation, explores the ...
The IAEA profiles employees to provide insight into the variety of career paths that support the Agency’s mission of Atoms for Peace and Development and to inspire and encourage readers, particularly ...
Scientific literature has increased at a rate of 8-9% annually since 1980, doubling every decade and creating an information ...