King Den's sandal label (made around 3000 BC). Hippopotamus ivory, found in Abydos, Egypt There's a compelling showbiz mythology of the modern big city - the energy and the abundance, the ...
the hippopotamus, which is vulnerable to extinction, is the species most threatened by the ivory trade. Sperm whales and narwhals in Europe’s Arctic region are also classified as vulnerable to ...
The hippopotamus, which is vulnerable to extinction, is the species after elephants most at risk from the trade in its ivory, officials said. Sperm whales and narwhals in Europe’s Arctic region ...
Hippopotamus ivory, found in Abydos, Egypt There's a compelling showbiz mythology of the modern big city - the energy and the abundance, the proximity to culture and power, the streets that just ...
Hippos are threatened by habitat loss and degradation, drought, poaching and the international demand for hippo parts, including teeth, skulls, ivory, skin and meat. Adam Peyman, wildlife programs ...
This is an image of hippo teeth products for sale in an ivory shop in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
poaching and trade in hippo parts — teeth, skulls, ivory, skin and meat — the future of hippos is uncertain. The comprehensive analysis of trade included in today’s petition demonstrates that hippos ...
Sadly, both hippos and elephants are in danger from human poachers. Poachers kill elephants for their ivory tusks. Hippo teeth are made of the same material but are easier to obtain and are also legal ...