Now we can add whale urine to that list, according to a paper published in the journal Nature Communications. “Lots of people ...
For perspective, fin whales produce more than 250 gallons of urine per day when they are feeding ... Before industrial ...
Japan’s Fisheries Agency has proposed expanding commercial whaling along the country’s coast to fin whales, a larger species than the three currently permitted. The proposal comes five years ...
The Mediterranean subpopulations of sperm whales and fin whales are considered “endangered ... the risk of a collision having a lethal effect on the struck animal. Main cause of human-induced ...
One study in Iceland suggests that fin whales produce more than 250 gallons of urine per day when they are feeding ... Before ...
Japan is set to allow fin whale fishing around its coast in addition to three smaller whale species currently permitted under the country's commercial whaling. The proposal comes five years after ...
With an end to commercial whaling, fin whale populations are thought to be ... There is also a lined effect that is present on the coins that are unique to this metal.
MEAT from fin whales caught for the first time in nearly 50 years off Japan’s northern coast fetched up to more than US$1,300 (RM5,760) per kilogramme at auction, as officials try to keep the ...
In the new paper, researchers monitored songs from blue, fin and humpback whales off the West Coast of the United States for six years, to see what the song data could reveal about the health of ...