The winter weather this year has been surprising, to say the least. The 10-day forecast appears to favor a slow awakening ...
When you cast a dry fly, it forces you to learn to load the rod and send your line in the other direction. One of the joys of trout fishing is learning to think like a trout does. If you were a ...
Two Youtube videos showing slightly different techniques to feed line through your fly rod guides. Ken Baldwin is a Writer/Editor for Fishing On SI where he writes stories about fly fishing and ...
Even with a spinning rod and sewing-thread-thin 6-pound test monofilament crappie fishing line, this crankbait’s diving depth bottoms out at 6 feet. You may get a few inches more by using ...
In the south Crappie are already pushed up shallow and other parts of the country aren’t far behind. That means it’s time to tie on a jig and head to your favorite brush pile. If you need a new rod ..