TALIBAN ON CERRO TORRE by Stefano Lovison We had already stated the following ... Garibotti defines non-summits as those climbs where an alpinist stops just a few centimetres short of the top, and on ...
At 3,133m, Cerro Torre is on the border dividing Argentina ... They reached a point just below the summit mushroom, 40m-60m below the top. However, Maestri considered this the summit, stating ...
A stronger gust and the condor glides towards Cerro Torre. As in a flashback ... A year later, just in time to make out Icio and Ermanno on top of the Torrre. Then, another gust, another fast forward.
que en 1959 falleció tras ser arrastrado por una avalancha de nieve mientras descendía luego de haber hecho cima en el cerro Torre. La historia de una gesta y de un mito ...
El Cerro Torre es una montaña Argentina, ubicada en el borde oriental del campo de hielo, del sur de la Patagonia de nuestro país. Durante muchos años fue considerada la montaña más difícil ...
David Lama, the youngest world-champion climber in the world, sets out to climb the infamous south-east face of Cerro Torre, a mountain once said to be the most difficult to climb in the world.