Dinosaurs are the extinct relatives of birds that roamed the lands and seas of ancient Earth. They first appeared around 240 ...
Fossils are providing more and more clues about how dinosaurs attracted one another and reproduced, which contributed to their remarkable ability to populate much of the Earth ...
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But if the dinosaurs had been so successful prior to Chixculub, why did they never re-evolve? Evolution is a complex process ...
A quail-size fossil uncovered in China suggests birds evolved millions of years earlier than previously thought.
Feathers, however, predate birds—having first belonged to extinct dinosaurs. Finding out exactly when feathers evolved, and which animals had them, could offer important new insights into the ...
Scientists discovered two Jurassic bird fossils in China, pushing back bird diversification by 20 million years. One, ...
Now Brusatte and other paleontologists are trying to determine exactly how feathered dinosaurs achieved powered flight and became the birds that fly overhead today – an evolutionary mystery that ...
The skull is from Vegavis iaai, an extinct duck-like bird that lived during the Late Cretaceous, just before non-avian dinosaurs went extinct. It’s one of very few 3D bird skulls known to ...
A 2023 study found that "neither troodon nor any other dinosaur could have begun a primate-like lineage that evolved to a human level of intelligence." That said, modern-day birds show that ...