Onslaught of infections suggests that feeding operations are exacerbating the spread of a deadly prion disease that’s making ...
Earlier this year, two elk tested positive for chronic wasting disease on the Dell Creek Feedground near Pinedale, Wyoming.
Andrew McKean Public land OTC elk hunting is hard work, especially after the bull is down. Jace Bauserman The mission was a Colorado/Wyoming public-land archery elk hunt with over-the-counter tags.
Game and Fish Director Angi Bruce talks Chronic Wasting Disease impacts On Tuesday, March 4, Director Angi Bruce of the ...
Chronic wasting disease prions that bind with soil and grass are accumulating in Wyoming-run feedgrounds, contaminating sites that have provided refuge for slews of close-packed elk each winter ...
When completed, this collection of photographs, written materials, and oral histories, all related to elk on the Wind River Reservation, will be available to persons throughout Wyoming and beyond ...
In summer, the elk have returned to higher elevation habitats. It is forbidden for people to set foot on the refuge at any time of year without a special permit (hunting or fishing), but you can ...