Hello! My Name is Jane Smith and I graduated with a degree in Applied Biology Course in 201X. The hardest part about earning this degree was XXX and this is how I overcame the obstacle. The best part ...
As a doctoral student in the Applied Biology Ph.D program at UMass Lowell, you will receive rigorous training in research, dedicated mentorship and the skills needed to succeed in a variety of careers ...
A PolyU research team from the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology has successfully mapped the precise locations of individual and paired aluminium atoms in the zeolite framework.
The goal of the Ph.D. Program in Applied Biology is to train outstanding students and enable their contributions to the wide array of life sciences research needs. The program combines fundamental and ...
We have you covered. Core and advanced courses offered in the human biology & health sciences concentration at Miami University Regionals will put you on the path to successfully continuing your ...
By not tilling the soil and disrupting the world of the soil microbiome, organisms are able to do their job of capturing ...
The Program in Applied Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (AMBB) will prepare students to work in a wide variety of biotechnology-related settings. With a locked-step curriculum, the program ...
The Computational and Applied Mathematics and Statistics (CAMS) program offers a B.S. in Computational & Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Students may major or minor in the CAMS - Mathematical ...
What is Applied Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (AMBB)? Biotechnology uses knowledge obtained about organisms at the molecular level to inform diagnostic and therapeutic decisions, create new ...