The Purdue Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and the Laboratory Animal Program perform distinct and complementary roles to ensure animal well-being in research, testing, and teaching. The ...
Animal researchers need to close all aspects of their research when retiring from the university or departing for other institutions.
Lon Kendall, DVM, PhD, DACLAM - received his veterinary degree from Colorado State University in 1994, completed a residency in laboratory animal medicine in 1997, and completed a PhD in veterinary ...
All individuals proposing to use live vertebrate animals in their training, teaching or research at Hope College must submit an application to the Hope College Animal Care and Use Committee (HCACUC) ...
(E.g., PPE recommendations for an individual will be communicated to a PI or their lab manager; diagnoses are not communicated ... The role of the Occupational Health and Safety Program in animal ...