Amtrak is adding color coding at the entries to its railcars to guide passengers to the correct location to board its trains.
According to RailFan, The Viewliner I sleeping car was recently moved ... Class Passengers, Green Coach class, Blue Business class. Good job Amtrak." Speaking of new looks, Amtrak's trip between ...
A new color-coded system is making it easier for Amtrak passengers to find boarding locations at a glance, the company ...
What if instead of driving down and back on I-95, I rode the train? The last time I rode Amtrak was another Valentine’s weekend, 34 years ago, when we got engaged. We lived in Orlando. I ...
A one-day advance purchase is required, and terms and conditions apply. Earlier this month, Amtrak announced enhancements to the Auto Train, including modernized interiors for the Coach, Dining, ...