"Explore Culture Quest to discover more of The Supereme's fascinating human interest stories, shocking discoveries, rare ...
"Explore See To Believe to discover more of The Supereme's fascinating human interest stories, shocking discoveries, rare creatures, and mesmerizing curiosities from around the world." ...
Researchers apparently wanted to give the octopus that name because of how "cute" it looked. This week Young Post gives you the skinny on the cutest animals on earth.
Hamsters have been known to cannibalize each other, but this phenomenon seems to occur as a result of a restricted diet. According to Gizmodo, switching hamsters to an all-corn diet instead of a ...
What are the cutest animals seen on the big screen this century? It's a tough question to answer, and one that results in some... passionate responses. Seriously, though. I asked Twitter who they ...
He observed that cute animals share these same traits with babies, which accesses human's nurturing and protective instincts. There's even a name for this: Neotony. Follow TI: On Facebook More ...
There are plenty of cannibalistic species hiding in plain sight and a few might even be in your home. Here are 10 animals that engage in cannibalistic behavior.