Rockstar's is working on a tool to help GTA 5 modders bring their creations to the enhanced version of the game.
Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced Grand Theft Auto 5 Enhanced 今天在 Steam 上发布,到目前为止,它似乎进展顺利或不太顺利,这取决于你如何看待它。就玩家而言,情况很乐观:目前有近 115,000 人正在玩,24 小时内的峰值超过 187,000。这在很大程度上是因为增强版对 Grand Theft Auto 5 ...
After years and huge success of modded Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar is finally committing to building their own modding tool ...
GTA 5 Enhanced players are still waiting for the official list of changes from the new update, but it looks like at least ...
家人们,重大消息!PC 平台的《Grand Theft Auto V》迎来了一次超级免费大升级,《GTA 5 增强版》正式上线啦!这可绝对是游戏界的重磅炸弹,让所有玩家都为之疯狂! 这次升级,简直就是一场游戏体验的革命!要知道,之前那些只在 PS5 和 Xbox Series X|S 版本的 GTA 在线模式中才有的热门功能,如今 PC ...
In fact, GTA 5 Enhanced is currently the worst user-reviewed GTA on Steam, with its closest competitor for the unwanted crown ...
《侠盗猎车手5》增强版(Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced)今天正式发布于Steam平台,初期表现似乎喜忧参半。根据最新数据显示,当前有近115,000名玩家在线,24小时内的最高在线人数超过了187,000,这无疑显示了《GTA5增强版》在玩家间的吸引力。更重要的是,这一增强版的推出对于现有的《GTA5》玩家是免费的,这自然成了吸引大量用户的原因。
GTA VI will be playable on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Its release will mark the first main game since "Grand Theft Auto V" in 2013.
Rockstar rarely officially supports the modding communities behind its games, so the news is being welcomed by GTA 5 modders who are hoping it's a signal of better things to come ...
Rockstar Games Players can migrate their single-player and GTA Online progress from Grand Theft Auto V Legacy – the new name ...
It's been a few years since current-gen consoles got their fancy GTA 5 upgrade loaded with new features and modern graphics ...
IT之家 3 月 5 日消息,万众期待的《GTA 5》PC 增强版已于昨晚正式发售,Steam 首发 5 折(截止至 3 月 21 日),国区首发价 71.25 元(传承版历史最低价 40.33 元),还有 206.25 元的“增强版 + ...